Saturday, June 21, 2014

wally, wally, wally...

I'm working on a few leads right now that aren't quite story worthy yet, so let's have a blast from the past ("write what you know").

When you're on the politics board, it's only a matter of time before you come across this here character. As the only liberal moderator on gamefaqs (yeah right), poor old wally is unable to stop the tide of rascally conservatrolls gripping 261 because he swears he doesn't moderate the politics board. This is a source of great frustration because whenever someone is losing an argument, they would just love to call up the mod squad and have wally go to town on the other guy's account. While wally says with some regret that he cannot do this, he will however tell you to stop making topics if he doesn't like you, talk with himself about maybe moderating you if he can find a reason (for chilling effect), and express his anger at you in pointed terms if you rub him the wrong way. And it is usually only a matter of time before that happens.

I began collecting wally quotes early on, so let's share them with the world shall we? Hypocrisy strikes me as a terrible thing. With my recent moderation over a stereotypical generalization of a political party ("liberals are always angry because their policies always fail"), it's rather eye-beamy to see the public face of the mods on board 261 make statements that go a lot further. You might think the messages below are not mod-worthy, and that might be true. But. When I brought up a selection of things wally has said on Hellhole, my message of simply barebones quotes was moderated, and in appeal I learned that this was for quoting wally's "potential violations." Of course this punishment is reserved for the messenger, while the original messages are there for you to see and are safely archived without problem.

So today, we'll be looking into the wally vault at some of these potential violations:

anyone who thinks that teachers actually have their entire summer off should be punched in their reproductive organs.

Any politician trying to badmouth all teachers, or who acts like he/she knows more about teaching than actual teachers, should be publicly flogged, forced to teach in an inner city school for a minimum of 1 full school year, and then be publicly flogged again.

From: Thanatos the Great | #006
When I'm in charge, incorrect use of "literally" will be a criminal offence.

I support you in this, assuming that the criminal punishment involves flogging and/or public humiliation.

So at what point can we finally put House Republicans in prison and charge them with treason? We've got to be close to that point, right?

I see that pie chart on the top left corner and want to start bashing people's skulls open. If those ignorant asscracks actually believe that all Christians are by definition good people, then they can go kill themselves.

Republicans really are the intellectual equivalents to three year olds.

I'd support Texas seceding. For all the good they do economically, the absolute butchery they cause to the educational system should be criminal.

Jesus Christ I ****ing hate Mitt Romney and the jackasses that don't realize he's a lying, hypocritical scumbag.

Thanks for proving the fact that you hate America and freedom, Josh...You hate America and freedom because you would vote to urinate on the first amendment if you had the opportunity to do so.

I wish these turd sandwiches would realize that Ronnie would be considered, at best, a Joe Lieberman style semi-democrat in today's US.

The Republicans are a bunch of turd sandwiches. The country (and world, for that matter) would be far better off if the party ceased to exist and got replaced by an actual Conservative party in an election cycle or two...Don't get me wrong... I probably wouldn't ever VOTE for that party... But such a party would definitely serve as a better alternative to the current GOP.

"Worst state in the union?"
Pennsylvania. There are a lot of states that do stupid things, but Pennsylvania is just an absolutely miserable place to be. The weather sucks, the people suck, the only two remotely redeeming things about it are Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, and when they nicest thing you can say about a place is "hey, at least it has Philadelphia!" then you know you have yourself a real gigantic ****-stain of a state.

Every second that I have ever spent in Pennsylvania (which, unfortunately, living in Virginia but having my parents/fiancees parents living in New York is quite a few seconds) I have actively spent wishing to be out of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania is the armpit of America. It legitimately sucks enough that Pittsburgh and Philly are the best things it has going for it.

Pennsylvania is a filthy cesspool outside the two cities, and when one of the BEST things your state ha going for you is Pittsburgh... Yeah...

I remember one time, I saw a banjo repair shop. Not a music store. Not even a banjo store. A banjo repair shop. I swear to god I kept hearing "Deliverance" music until I crossed into New York.

Stakeholder posted...

derpity doo dah, derpity ay, my oh my what a derpity day

Stop making topics. Stop making polls. Just stop...Because they universally suck and the majority of them are virtually incomprehensible.

Could you maybe stop posting until such time as you can do it competently?

Holy crap you suck at posting. Seriously. Just stop. Forever.

I wish we could sell stupid and/or crappy states to North Korea.


So what you're saying is that you're playing the role of a proverbial monkey, throwing crap against the wall and hoping some of it will stick?

dot dot f***ing dot.

Just stop making topics forever.

Holy crap, the stupid in this topic is thick enough to cut with a knife.

Stop. Making. Topics.
Stop. Making. Polls.

You don't outrank pond scum. I'd consider a stray cat to outrank you. Know YOUR place.

c_P_U_N_K_m posted...
Mighty_Giraffe posted...




Someone finish this battourye post for me:


derp...Can you go suck somewhere else?

Oh good, Whiskey is no longer the user that failed the most embarrassingly in this topic. Take your dunce cap and sit in the corner.

What a cooch.

Prop 8. **** them. [Mormons]

I'm not going to say that every single person trying to make a big deal out of Benghazi is a whiny, hypocritical douchebag, but...

It was funny (in a "god I hope this jackass takes a Stephen Strasburg fastball to the junk" kind of way) watching Ted Cruz on "This Week" today.

Damn poors, wanting to be able to earn enough money to live.

Why do Republicans hate America and the troops so much?

I instantly lose major respect for the intelligence of anyone who would rather stick with fossil fuels than look towards nuclear energy.

Mitt Romney might not **** children or murder hookers, but no amount of singular good events can disguise the utter contempt he has for most Americans. He personally saved one person. His (current) policies would lead to the premature deaths of tens of thousands, if not more.

Some of these posts make me on grumpy days look like a fuzzy little kitten. But remember guys, I'm the real troll.

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