Thursday, June 5, 2014

Breaking News: Conservative Criticizes Liberals, Gets Modded

Totally never happened before, right?

We might as well start this blog off with my latest moderation, as it's received some attention on the board:

I could say I'm surprised but, based on the past actions of moderators, not really. We'll get into some of the crazier mods in later entries. Note that BobGeorge has also been moderated, but for what I don't know since it wasn't quoted. It was probably for something really bad, I say as I roll my eyes.

My appeal just goes up one level because I'd gone to a lead mod over another message in my history. Here's what he has to say.

A Mod/Admin replied on 6/4/2014 11:58:32 PM
When you lump and [sic] entire political group into a stereotype like this, you're trolling. Most of this post would have been fine without the sweeping generalizations about libs/Dems.

That's right, because nobody but joke accounts would make critical remarks about the opposite side that they disagree with. This also never happens in pretty much all political rhetoric. I could have posted that message just fine if I had only said "nothing sucks! No one is terrible!" and threw my remarks into a black hole before anyone could see them. No, the criticism itself was fine on its own but it ran afoul of the terms as soon as I said my criticism was toward liberals.

Perhaps opposition to political parties will now fall under hate speech, for attaching dirty words like "liberal" or "conservative" to your posts is upholding the stereotypical notion of a  two-party duopoly. This mod would be a great candidate for the No Labels group.

Yes, I did conclude by saying "Liberals are always angry because their policies always fail." That's probably the big bad stereotype that was hurtful to say to the guy who was totally not angry as he angrily marked my message. I'm not going to go into a political justification for that belief, but do you really think someone would be modded on 261 if they said Republican policies always fail? I would also like to point out that I almost always speak in general terms with political arguments, rather than go into personal attacks on individual accounts (which we see happen on the board far too frequently). So for sticking to the issues, that's the mistake I made here. I've noticed that you're safe from moderation if you call TaiIs82 or other conservatives a troll account, which is apparently the gamefaqs pinnacle of achievement when it comes to finding meaningful political conversation, but that strategy wouldn't work very well if I tried it myself now would it? It would just be a downright case of multiple personalities, so you see the bind I'm in.

Of course, as usual, you can quote my message all you want (as long as you make sure to say you disagree with it), because it isn't the message itself that's the problem. The problem is that I thought it.