Wednesday, June 11, 2014

TaiIs82 Takes More Reader Comments

Conversations about this project continue as gamefaqs takes note and we pass 1,000 pageviews. Questions, comments, concerns, praise, death threats, we take it all. Send your stuff in a PM to TaiIs82 or comment here.

"According to the Tails blog he was modded for trolling via generalization...I mean that comment describes soooo many posts around here that the amount of housekeeping required would be staggering, say what you will about Tails, and I know none of you would hold back anyway, but he is owed an apology from the mods, and not a 'I'm sorry if you were offended one' either" -DJStrong

Props for the support. While an apology from the mods would certainly be welcome, it's not something I've set out to get and I doubt it'd happen anyway. What I'd like to see is some more common sense among moderators and less of this kind of stuff happening in the first place.

"yeah, even if I personally think that post is both dumb and counterfactual, he wasn't breaking any rules that time. If that was moderated, it should not have been. Ignored, certainly, but not deleted outright." -Jolteon

Naturally I wouldn't want to be ignored, but that's a personal decision that really doesn't interfere with my ability to post. I'm of the opinion that if someone really needs to use the ignore list, it's the far better option than trying to make everyone stop posting. My pet peeve is when topics get derailed with "I'm ignoring this guy so nobody else quote him" as if we're all supposed to know it's time to stop discussion and follow someone else's ignore list because he just walked in and saw something he didn't like.

"I'm having a tough time agreeing that the guy who set up a blogspot to harass wally is "in the right" But okay maybe wally saying that you shouldn't be charged with statutory rape if you have a reasonable belief that the person you're banging is an adult is totally a defense of statutory rapists." -YouAreCrumbs

The thing about that is, any defendant could use that as an excuse. Well I thought and/or she said she was older. But ignorance isn't an excuse in a court of law, else everyone could get off running red lights by saying they didn't see them. It's the adult's responsibility to know what the law is and make sure it's being followed. I didn't make this blog to harass wally, though I won't shy from criticizing him like any other moderator when I think they're doing something silly.

"I don't even know why. He's not a frequent target for moderation. He had his OG account for quite a long time, compare that to other people who have accounts banned every week."

Well...I would think that supports what I've said about being more serious and committed to my views than the people who spam accounts. Board members call out accounts that are new users, but if someone's level 37 the board still takes it as a sign they're a troll because they have so much karma and must be coming here just to troll, because they think they can't be touched. The whole user level focus is more of an ad hominem than a meaningful contribution, and then it doesn't matter what level the person's at, they will always have sinister motives placed upon them. What accounts can be taken seriously?

It's true I'm not moderated frequently but when it happens, it's pretty aggressive and over strange stuff that I thought would be the last thing I'd get modded for. Part of it comes from how I approach moderations, which makes it a bit harder on myself but I think it's the principle of the thing. No accepting moderations, so they end up staying on history longer. Any additional posts risk harsher moderations based on history, and it snowballs from there. Then when I'm able to, I usually end up disputing something to admin which means 90 days no disputes. So while few, these things can stay around for a while.

"what did he get modded for that has his panties in a twist?" -Cynyn

Nothing in particular, so the answer is probably "everything." I thought about doing something like this to get my side of things out, and because my patience ran out.

"Frankly I do not understand why the man would stick around for the abuse, I cannot see into his heart." -DJStrong

The abuse isn't really an issue, I got over that around 2011. Contact with 261 liberals was really the first time I could interact and engage with people whose views are often very different from mine. Challenges and other points of view help refine your arguments, "the healthy do not need physicians," and so on. What I regret more is that I've toned down the board hunting in recent months to focus on politics, when I'd really like to board hunt some more, and with the attention from this blog those two world have kind of mixed now.

"It's hard to make a blog meant to cut "across partisan boundaries" when most of his moderation complaints are for anti-liberal opinions." -CC Ricers

That's what my experience has been, but I really am interested in hearing from others and getting their side of things. When I started this project up I sent a PM to some liberal users who have been critical of mod actions, and invited them to expand upon their comments. I've been able to talk with a few liberals after reaching out to bring some balance to this place. I hope to get some of their experiences up soon.

"Wally is a bad moderator because he barely does anything, not because he mods you. In fact, he's probably not the one modding you on gamefaqs." -ALLYOURGOATSAREBELONGTOME

I don't think wally is behind the moderations, but I do remember that this is a guy who has said in the heat of some arguments, with me and a few others, that he would like to suspend our accounts  or worse if he could. So if the opportunity presented itself I think he'd take it despite the whole "I don't moderate the politics board" myth, which I'll only believe the day he isn't a mod anymore. But I will give proper credit to the system as a whole: there are some problems that are system-wide (not that that's much better).


  1. Thanks for keeping the blog going!

    1. Yeah, it's amusing to see the insane ramblings of a crazy person.
