Sunday, July 6, 2014

Another 10kl (WARNING: anti-pedophile extremism)

Has it been a month already? It must have been, because once again a moderator has set my account to day before the previous warning was about to leave my message history. How about that timing? It's happened before, I can reasonably expect it to happen again next month. I don't know which is worse: if we're to believe someone actually got "offended" and marked this, or if a mod just went through my active messages and found something they didn't like.

So here we are. In a topic titled, 'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males' a group of college professors were in the news for pushing the boundaries, arguing “The isolation, secrecy, guilt and anguish of many paedophiles...are not intrinsic to the phenomen[on] but are derived from the extreme social repression placed on minorities"...While these radical egalitarians obviously never consider that these groups are minorities for a  very good reason. This is just like the civil rights movement! Not so fast my friends. Here's my counter:

We could spend a lifetime pointing out the obvious reasons why pedophilia is bad, but the professors who push this stuff will simply put their hands over their ears and call their opponents the equivalent of racists until their Big Lie sinks in. They'll go for it incrementally by pushing to redefine/lower the age of consent piece by piece, so keep an eye out for those who want to do it and condemn them loudly.

Warned because this was offensive? To who? You know what, maybe I don't wanna know about the kind of person who gets offended by this. If you don't agree with everything I said though, you could try forming your own opinion and explain why. But that never happens. This is board 261, the land of personal attacks, mass ignore lists and people who literally mod everything they see.

The thing about it is, don't the moderator actions reinforce my message? I'm open to debating on the merits of each side during an argument, but on the other end there are people who don't want that. They want to put their hands over their ears and mod the other guy, rather than talk. And of course the guy who just states his opinion is always the extremist, while the people who go out of their way to censor others are always the exact opposite of bigots, even as they move to block out anyone they don't like because they said something differently than them.

As of press time, here are some opinions the mods allow:

ryan0991 Posted...
It's a subject that could stand to use a whole lot less emotional knee-jerking. Kind of like what TC did.

Go into any news article about a pedophile and read the comments... yeah... that's what I'm talking about. It's socially acceptable to spew absolute venom towards pedophiles, so most people tend to take advantage of that.

Obviously pushing for the acceptance of adult-child sex is totally unacceptable. There are numerous very good reasons why it should never become accepted. However, that doesn't mean you need to launch into a rant about how "pedophiles should all be locked up FOREVER because they're sick scumbags!!!" the second someone mentions the word "pedophile".

Can we say the mods are following this model? That people who criticize pedophilia are now accused of spewing venom, emotional knee-jerking or being too extremist?

UnrivaledKoopa Posted
 Don't be naive. The only reason people underage "can't consent" is because that's what the people who wrote our laws decided upon. It's an arbitrary number that could change if society wills it.

That's right, 261 got into an argument whether pedophilia's wrong. There have been low points before, but this is pretty far down there. Is 12 too young? Are we being too h8ful to them and hurting their self-esteem? Let's explore this for several pages.

thecrobar modifies a pro-abotion line by saying support for pedophilia will mean less pedophiles in the long run:

The demonization of pedophiles doesn't do any good. Most pedophiles were themselves molested. Demonizing them only makes it less likely that they'll seek help and more likely that they'll harm children. What do you care about more- moral grandstanding or actually preventing children from being molested?

While supergamerbret went into TMI territory...

I think Pedo's are born that way just like gays...I found out a couple years after the fact that I had sex with an under age girl. It was weird because she knew what she was doing & was saying the right things better than 40+ y/o chicks I've banged. Kinda messed up.

How's this for meaningful political discourse? But I wouldn't know, I'm the real troll with all those offensive extremist positions, like being too mean to pedophiles.

wolverinerob79 called it when he wrote:
"This is seriously ****ed up and why is it only relating to males?"

Be careful...pretty soon you won't be able to say this due to Gamefaqs ToU. Enjoy being correct and vocal for now. Later you'll have to choose one or the other.

Now that I'm warned for it, "pretty soon" ended up being a lot sooner than we thought.

1 comment:

  1. Michael Devlin who was a popular Gamefaqs member in the social and ffxi board became infamous when he was caught kidnapping ben ownby and Shawn hornbeck like the event of the liberal gamefAqs member who burned down a church and posted it on CE as he was doing it for the liberal cause any mention of Michael Devlin or that you reported the burning down to the church to the media can result in a ban or instant warn status.
