Thursday, November 6, 2014

No, wally Should Not Be A Lead Mod

Recent demoddings must be replaced with new moddings, and Krystal said decisions would be made this week on new mods or promotions. Speaking of which, a couple people said wally should be lead because he's "cool" and "level headed." Certainly not. My experience with him has been shown to be anything but. I have no idea how these decisions are being made or if wally's even being looked at for anything, but if he is let's take a look at some of the stuff he's done over at the Politics board.

Board 261 is hardly known for being level headed, but people who wish their opponents would be arrested for treason, publicly flogged or decapitated by terrorists still stick out like extremist sore thumbs. He has a signature ability of flying off the handle over even minor things. If wally doesn't have the time to vent at others the way he wants to, he'll usually settle for just a "derp" or "XD" sometimes more than once in the same topic, which as you know adds so much to the conversation. Sometimes he'll go off-topic and derail the thing by talking about cheeseburgers and lasagna if it's a topic he dislikes - and of course once the topic's been derailed we need a mod to close it to keep us safe. Note that wally will also tell some users he dislikes to stop making topics, and some (including me) that he would be looking for reasons to suspend, which has more than once been called a chilling effect on the board. He may not in fact moderate the politics board (personally, I'll believe that when he's gone), but it isn't beneath him to tell his least favorite users he might do something to them if they don't stop posting. But let's not spend any more time just talking about it and get to the good stuff:

Harsh punishment fantasies:

anyone who thinks that teachers actually have their entire summer off should be punched in their reproductive organs.

Any politician trying to badmouth all teachers, or who acts like he/she knows more about teaching than actual teachers, should be publicly flogged, forced to teach in an inner city school for a minimum of 1 full school year, and then be publicly flogged again.

I'd support Texas seceding. For all the good they do economically, the absolute butchery they cause to the educational system should be criminal.

From: Thanatos the Great | #006
When I'm in charge, incorrect use of "literally" will be a criminal offence.

I support you in this, assuming that the criminal punishment involves flogging and/or public humiliation.

I'd support finding some type of punishment involving public humiliation for jerkoffs that park in handicapped spots.

If you keep your dog on a leash in the back yard, then you're pretty much a terrible person and you shouldn't own a dog.

So at what point can we finally put House Republicans in prison and charge them with treason? We've got to be close to that point, right?

Pennsylvania is the armpit of America...when they nicest thing you can say about a place is "hey, at least it has Philadelphia!" then you know you have yourself a real gigantic ****-stain of a state.

I think you're all being unfair here. Florida has a lot of good things to offer to the country, and should be valued and respected for it's importance in trade. Like... oranges. And... uh... cocaine?

I hope these ****ers lose their tax exempt status. Then I hope they refuse to pay and somebody ends up getting their ass thrown in prison.

I'd be fine with an opt-out [organ donation] system, where opting out makes you ineligible to receive any organs

I'd be in favor of imprisoning people that refuse to have their kids vaccinated, along with stripping them of parental rights.

Political level-headedness...wait no:

I ****ing hate most current members of the GOP

The Republicans are a bunch of turd sandwiches. The country (and world, for that matter) would be far better off if the party ceased to exist...

I'm not going to say that every single person trying to make a big deal out of Benghazi is a whiny, hypocritical douchebag, but...

I see that pie chart on the top left corner and want to start bashing people's skulls open. If those ignorant asscracks actually believe that all Christians are by definition good people, then they can go kill themselves.

I hope that should Barack Obama ever become the dictator that right wingers act like he is, his first act be to drone strike that tool's house with bombs that don't kill people but do cause it to permanently burn when you pee.

Republicans really are the intellectual equivalents to three year olds.

Mitt Romney might not **** children or murder hookers, but no amount of singular good events can disguise the utter contempt he has for most Americans...His (current) policies would lead to the premature deaths of tens of thousands, if not more.

It was funny (in a "god I hope this jackass takes a Stephen Strasburg fastball to the junk" kind of way) watching Ted Cruz on "This Week" today.

On a scale my 0-10 on the giving-a-****-o-meter, I'd be at about a negative seven billion about the thought of those scumbags being beheaded. If ISIS did that, I'd say our response should be to universally yawn, chuckle, and then forget their existence.

I wish we could sell stupid and/or crappy states to North Korea.


So what you're saying is that you're playing the role of a proverbial monkey, throwing crap against the wall and hoping some of it will stick?

"You are ignoring 1 message(s) from users on this page. Manage your list here."

Can everybody do me a favor and not quote that message? Thanks.


"You are ignoring 2 message(s) from users on this page. Manage your list here."

*guesses* Wally's ignoring me? Waaaaaaaaaaaah

Do I basically have it?


*hits you on nose with newspaper*

Bad boy. Bad.

Showing up a little buzzed to play around with users

It's Friday night and I'm doing me some drinkin'. He's amusing me, which is more than I can say for you.


Hey bro, you started it. I just finished it. Now shush in case he says something else that I find funny.

The old 'That's not really moddable, but stop posting if you know what's good for you'

Next time you think of posting, why don't you consider not posting, instead.

Holy crap you suck at posting. Seriously. Just stop. Forever.
[anchorman: "go back to your home on whore island"]

Yeah... if you aren't banned for that, then I'm done with this site.

There are some people who I absolutely despise, and where I think every word of their mouth is absolute garbage. My hatred of them aside, I think they have the right to say what they want, just as I have the right to take personal steps to avoid hearing those words.



Can you go suck somewhere else?

Stop making topics. Stop making polls. Just stop.

dot dot f***ing dot.

Just stop making topics forever.

Stop. Making. Topics.
Stop. Making. Polls.

Also, if we could not quote mix, that would be fabulous. Thanks.

You don't outrank pond scum. I'd consider a stray cat to outrank you. Know YOUR place.

**** off wormy.

If I had the power to put wormy on KoS status, I would have done that a long time ago.

Shut up prezman

Shut the f*** up madfoot.

Shut up, taiis

It's easier to laugh at you than try to have a debate with you.

A few other personal things...believe I covered this when I talked about "the safe way to call someone gay" on gamefaqs - be a mod, then it doesn't matter

Taiis, I don't swing that way, bro. Sorry. 

But here's something new: stuff he's said offsite.

Charming guy, huh. Would you believe I never saw it?

1 comment:

  1. just a heads up...unless some of your links are bad, some of those topics you linked to are starting to disappear.
