Sunday, September 7, 2014

GameFAQs Community Manager: Change or No Change?

Now that SBAllen has announced the position of Community Manager, some users have begun to ask just what this position will involve. The hopeful among us are more than a little optimistic that Krystal109 will do something about abuses from moderators. Topics and messages from CE arose such as "So now theres someone to mod the mods?" and "is this who we can complain about the mods to???" It's too early to say, but I do think there is a good chance at changing things if the community makes it clear that there are problems with the moderation system that hurt their experience on the boards.

Only time will tell what we have in store for us when it comes to board changes, but I was a little surprised to see that Krystal did not remove the possibility of action - and in fact responded to a user's complaint by saying this is an area she would be looking into.

Now, "looking into" could mean a lot of things, and might result in no action. But it was refreshing to see someone on gamefaqs who is at least open to hearing from users, and doesn't automatically assume the mods are always right, and assume you're always a troll if you criticize them.

Congratulations Krystal. Here at GUAC, we'll be keeping an eye on the developments.


P.S. the community manager announcement led to some users inevitably looking up Krystal's name and posting her twitter/facebook accounts. Error1355 responded by saying "Guys, this is honestly creepy" to put up the links and admin Devin Morgan asked "So since you guys are clearly busy stalking someone hired for this site, how about you share all of your personal details, pics included?" Is it stalking, creepy, harassment to link to someone's twitter? Why does this sound familiar?

1 comment:

  1. See the thing is Tails that it's apparently okay to stalk, harass and post links to my Twitter all over GameFAQs but somehow it's not okay all of a sudden?
