Thursday, August 14, 2014

Stats Aren't Allowed on Gamefaqs. Stats Rustle Jimmies.

With a warning on my history, here comes the full cavity search again. As you read, see if you can guess what we got in trouble for this time.

Christians for samesex marriage also more likely to buck other Biblical teaching

Churchgoing Christians who support “gay marriage” are more likely to approve of commitment-free sexual relations, pornography, adultery, polyamory and abortion than other churchgoers, says one researcher who calls the differences a “massive divide.”

“More than seven times as many...think pornography is okay. Three times as many back cohabiting as a good idea, six times as many are okay with no-strings-attached sex, five times as many think adultery could be permissible, thirteen times as many have no issue with polyamorous relationships, and six times as many support abortion rights.”

Only 5% of churchgoing Christians opposed to “gay marriage” said commitment-free sex is okay, compared to 33% of pro-“gay marriage” churchgoers, 49% of same-sex attracted Christians and 81% of homosexual non-Christians.

Regnerus’ analysis found great differences on the morality of pornography. About 5% of churchgoing Christians opposed to “gay marriage” said that viewing pornography is okay, compared to 33% of churchgoing “gay marriage” supporters, 57% of homosexual Christians and 78% of same-sex attracted non-Christians.

Churchgoers who support “gay marriage” were more likely to approve of marital infidelity, with 7% saying it is sometimes okay, compared to 1% of churchgoers who did not support “gay marriage.” About 14% of same-sex attracted Christians said marital infidelity is sometimes okay, as did 26% of non-Christian homosexual persons.

Churchgoing Christians who support “gay marriage” were also more likely to support polyamory than were Christians who do not support redefined marriage. Only 1% of Christians opposed to “gay marriage” supported polyamory, compared to 16% of those who support “gay marriage,” 32% of homosexual Christians and 58% of non-Christians who are same-sex attracted.

Entirely factual topic with all the statistics cited. An obvious political difference noted in the survey that was common-sense and expected by many. Nothing controversial here. But there's one problem: one person didn't like it (or, we can safely say, doesn't like me), so it must be taken down.

Here we have an nkl for "trolling." Nkls are those things mods give out when they themselves can't think of any legit reason to punish you, but want to take down the message anyway. One definition of trolling on gamefaqs is noted in the terms of use as "posting false information as fact." But here we have a case of posting true information as fact, and modding it because someone didn't like it. Another part of "trolling" on gamefaqs is defined as "someone posting a message designed to get others mad enough to violate one of the other rules." Here's the problem. As has been noted by others, anyone can get mad at pretty much whatever you say and, on gamefaqs, you're blamed for it. The other person isn't modded for flaming. The mods point the finger at you because you don't control the mind of the person who flamed you, and it's clearly your fault for not stopping them from insulting you. If you say the sky is blue and someone else calls you an ugly baby killer, well, you only brought this punishment on yourself.

Of course the terms also say "Trolling is not someone posting an opinion that differs from yours" and "Even if you disagree, you can either debate the user on their points or just ignore it," gamefaqs mods overlook these parts. It's their job to take messages down, and they will stretch what the terms say as much as they want, to take down as much as they want.

Don't let anyone tell you the trolling rule on gamefaqs has been loosened up from previous years, as long as they continue to make decisions like this.

Here's how "trolling" works on gamefaqs. In the half hour my topic was up before mods rushed to take down this clearly dangerous topic of mine, I was able to get a look at all 7 responses. A few below.

"In 2014 are religious people even taken seriously anymore? I mean come on..." -Red_Sm7

"I have pre-marital sex w/ my gf, I watch porn, I drink, I sometimes smoke weed. And despite all the "immoral acts" I commit, I'm still a more decent human being than some garbage tier troll." -DeathMagnetic80

"Good. The Bible is immoral." -Magus1947

If the typical gamefaqs mod scanned the topic (keep in mind "hate speech" against a religion is seen as "offensive"), if someone said "The Quran is immoral" or "why are Muslims taken seriously anymore?" this would be an awful, h8ful thing and you would lose much karma. But in this case we're talking about the Christian Bible, so do whatever you want. Under the gamefaqs terms of use, not only do you receive these slights, you are then punished for what they said to you on top of that under the "trolling" rule. Because you supposedly made them mad.

If you'd like to understand how gamefaqs works, picture the image of a cave during the stone age. If you do something a Neanderthal doesn't like, he grunts for another Neanderthal to come over with his club to whack you. No need to debate! Debate means forming thoughts. That can be hard for some people. The only difference between back then and now is that the Neanderthals didn't pretend to be the wise arbiters of serious political discussion. Today we have a Neanderthal with a necktie.

Let's see, are we done for tonight? Not just yet. I went to Hellhole and asked about the mod ID so I can avoid doing whatever I did in the future (though I daresay they should avoid making bad decisions in the future). Which resulted in a quick lock of my topic followed by a topic from RaptorLC, who says "Boring trolls are boring." Glad we got to the bottom of that.

Keep in mind that while I've been nothing but entirely open about my opinions and provide full disclosure about everything I said and did, they're the ones who make the decisions behind closed doors and avoid telling you as much as they can.

So remember kids, if someone else comes into your house, makes a mess and punches you, under gamefaqs logic it's your fault because you somehow made them mad enough to do that, even if you were standing there doing nothing. I mean, where do you get off just standing there like that? I oughtta slug you for it right now, ya little punk.

1 comment:

  1. Cause it's completely okay to have a slew of mods as hypocrites. Allen is too damn lazy of an admin to give a shit and god forbid he even take the time to respond to all these moderator issues since he doesn't care if people get treated like crap by the people who should be more than anyone else abiding by the rules and setting the example for everyone else unlike certain mods like Error and RaptorLC who blantantly troll other users and flame then in such a cowardly way by suspending their account and then mock them behind their back.
