Sunday, July 8, 2018

Are You on Error1355's List of Troublemakers?

Short answer? If you've ever complained about Gamefaqs moderations, yes.

Perpetual bad mod Error1355 is back at it again, after recent criticism of the Gamefaqs moderators and their frequent ridiculous moves. It's no surprise that Error has a problem with people who don't like how badly the moderation system is run, but this past week he decided to launch off this doozy: "the only people who say I'm bad at 'user relations' are the troublemakers."

Mind you, this is someone whose greatest contributions to Hellhole include random gibberish and showboating about accounts he's gone after.

Criticism from all the "troublemakers" was swift:

"f*** out of here with that. For once pull the head out of your ass...I'm expecting to have my account terminated after that but this had to be said." -Miz_iZ_AwSOme_X

"Error. As per usual, you're not helping, and only using this board to insult people." -BurgerTime79

"I don't understand why error won't resign" -ripparagon

"Do you really take to your Twitter account to discuss the moderations you have instituted as a Gamefaqs moderator? If true I find that to be very unprofessional behavior. My interest and visits to this website have waned in the last few months, and behavior like this by people who represent Gamefaqs and CBSi does little to encourage future use. As someone who is in a position of authority, you are required to rise above the commonality of this site's regular users Error. You have failed in that regard." -ILikesCheese

"error1355 could stand to be a better mod...And the gamefaqs moderation team in general" -Rika_Furude

While yet another longtime Gamefaqs user (18 years!) was ready to leave:

"I'm wondering if I should just close my nearly 18-year-old account. I have recently kept getting moderated for flaming over on the politics board (261 board), but there are plenty of users that have been constantly trolling there, yet they don't get moderated for anything of the sort, even though posters like myself have moderated them for such...I have gotten placed on warned status a few days ago. If they're gonna threaten to suspend me for something like that while letting everyone else get away scot free for constantly trolling, then fine, I think I'm just gonna f***ing quit posting on these messageboards altogether! I'm sick of this s***. I've just about lost my patience." -Shinobi120

Other, past criticism of mod-user relations include the infamous "cultural differences" from the former Gamefaqs community manager (a comment against dating black people that was largely viewed as racist), as well as that time a moderator was caught red-handed hijacking the account of another long-time user, as Gamefaqs staff spent the entire weekend telling users who had been there since 2000 - and would vouch for the guy who had his account stolen - that they were actually super wrong and also whining babies. These would also fall under Error1355's list of "troublemakers."

Here are some more "troublemakers" who have bothered Error with their complaints:

"how sad that someone has modship yet pulls s*** like this, or the fact that mods like error, raptor and burgers are constantly aware of the [account hijacking] history and openly cover for them." -Josh__Gordon

"whats stupid is when you are suspended by a horrible moderator like Error you have no recourse. you cant contest anything b/c the site wont let you view your messages........where is the logic in that? and of course no higher level mod is going to review it or overturn it...........there should be a way to get him canned." -iamintents

"Error once contested my mod dispute by saying he "knew what I really meant" (even if my message said otherwise), that he wanted me to lose my account. In a different instance he gave me that "i award you no points, this is the most stupid thing... May God have mercy on your soul" line." -ElectroSable

"Instead of giving an answer acting in a mature manner as mods should act since they of all people are supposed to be the ones that set the example of how the rules should be followed, in fact, do the exact opposite by engaging users in a way that is quite condescending and rude which is really no way to treat anyone. From my time here it seems that Error and Raptor are the biggest culprits of engaging in other users this way. This is what happens when someone with even the finest bit of power is given to them. It'll be a cold day in hell though when these two actually know how to act appropriately when speaking to someone even when they disagree with them. I sure hope you don't treat people this way at your real life job." -cowabunga1984

"Literally a 3kl with no history for doing something Error said is ToS safe. Never change, mods. Never change. And before you start, no, me accepting the moderation doesn't mean you were right. It means I want it cleared faster." -Th3_Butt3rfly

"[Baseman, Burgess and Admiral] all got demodded for their controversial behavior. Rather than being controversial, Error is outright incompetent, so he would have to be demodded for entirely different reasons than those three, so we don't know if it'll happen." -FriendSystem

"[Canned mod] Burgess had it coming. Every single little piece of it. He and error literally tried to get me banned by abusing auto-suspensions." -ROD

"If you're going to hold a position of authority, you should at least be a little bit humble/cordial/professional/whatever. Error straight doesn't give a f***. He'll troll the f*** out of you then mod you for getting mad. He's like the cop that tail gates you then pulls you over for speeding when you try to put some distance between him." -mfwahwah

"Many of you think it's okay that because of your status as a moderator, you have the right to troll. You don't. Please stop f***ing with us. Burgess, stop trolling people and then modding those who retaliate. Error, just stop provoking people. tbh you have no sense of humor...You are both corrupt and biased and need to do your duty as a moderator to keep these boards a safe place, not mod the victims instead of the bullies...Focus on the queue, and stop silently locking topics that don't need to be locked." -DN-boards1

"Literally trolling the users again and antagonizing them again...This is why you need to be demodded." -ElectroSable

"Error and raptor both fail really hard in mod to user relations. Take gmo, lady, and yoshifan1 not once have I seen them give sass rude remarks or anything of that nature they useually just answer the topic question at hand in a professional manner. Error and raptor on the other give rude remarks and even start making fun of people getting moderated which isn't ok." -ripparagon

"So how exactly do mods get away with trolling/flaming people after banning them?...people like Rator, Error and more so Gavi are allowed to bad mouth users on here especially people asking about things which IRC what this board [Hellhole] was originally created for yet you people act like you have some stick up your ass and have to put people down for merely asking about their moderations." -The_Santa_Claus

"Burgess/Raptor/Error I feel great pity for since they enjoy trolling forums and that seems to be their only source of joy...Allen is just ugh. He trusts his trolls mods for whatever reason." -BrutaI_Deluxe

"Raptor is just sad, Admiral and Error are legit trolls." -papermonkey21

"I am blowing the whistle on Error1355...Error is constantly targeting a specific user on CE and closing said user's topics with no explanation or chance to appeal...How is the topic creator supposed to have a normal GameFAQs browsing experience when he is the target of a vicious, misguided witch hunt by a moderator drunk on power? The moderator lock, frankly, is crap. It gives moderators free reign to lock topics while A.) Not saying which mod locked it, and B.), the more important one, not saying why the topic was locked." -Nuffinz0rz

"[Error and Raptor are] bad role models for newer mods. Both of you two's behavior is chronically, publicly inappropriate and bushleague. I know this is just gaming forum, but authority parallels abound in modern community that you two are not publicly competent at this job...You two are probably the majority source of community relations problems on the site's end. It's're a good example of a bad moderator. At least in public. One that you hope new moderators look at and say, "I'm not going to be like him in 10 years." That's your only shot at being a good influence on a new mod." -benjjjamin

"I got modded for mentioning Error like twice. Nowhere in any of the rules does it say you can't mention someone, and when I contested it the mod said some s*** like "oh well now you know" like what the f***" -DocileOrangeCup

"Error, please, PLEASE, PLEASE, leave me alone. It's starting to get to the point where you're harassing me now." -DN-boards1

All this is just a sampling of the many complaints made against Error1355 (and other mods) on Gamefaqs in recent years. Offsite, there's even more. But Error will continue to attack the Gamefaqs users he doesn't like, rather than listen to anybody.

But one thing is no longer in dispute, at least...(WALLY ALERT):

Error1355 has finally admitted that wally was a "bad mod" looooong after this blog called him out on it, years after he stepped down, and waaaaay after it would've made any difference. Better (super) late than never, but this was after all that time they covered for wally and let him do whatever he wanted. So it kinda makes you wonder: how many "bad mods" is Error1355 covering for today?