Gamefaqs is Evil - Gamefaqs Mods Defend Murderers
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil: unless it's someone criticizing said evil!
We're leading off with perhaps my most provocative headline ever, seeing as Gamefaqs is, in fact, a terrible place, with moderators who are even more terrible. With every unjust moderation made by them, attacking my character, I will add yet another post to this blog - and the long litany of complaints elsewhere - giving Gamefaqs the bad press that it so richly deserves. Because GameFAQs sucks. And so does this last moderation.
Meet the latest government statistics that the GameFAQs moderators don't want you to see! Facts which, since these ignorant and evil Gamefaqs scumf***ers thought they could censor, I will now constantly draw attention to and leave up here forever:
"Meet the 50,000 DACA criminals let in by Obama"
Obama Admin Approved 50,000+ DACA Amnesty Applicants with Criminal Records
Those details were hidden by Obama’s deputies, who also hid information about the DACA illegals’ education credentials and work histories.
They hid it because none of it was good...
17,079 DACA recipients have been arrested more than two times...DACA-approved people have been arrested for ten murders, 31 rapes, 95 kidnappings, 187 robberies, 425 hit-and-runs, 2,007 assaults, 4,611 drug offenses, 6,629 thefts, plus many crimes related to their illegal status — 11,861 immigration crimes and 20,926 non-DUI driving-related offenses...
Obama’s deputies were very forgiving of the crimes. For example, 2,503 people with arrest records for battery were allowed into the amnesty. So were 2,378 DUI drivers, 6,629 thieves, and 1,173 burglars.
Overall, 70.8 percent of applicants with one arrest were approved for the amnesty, as were 59.9 percent of people with two arrests and 51.7 percent of people with three arrests. One-third, or 33 percent, of applicants with eight arrests were included in the amnesty, as were 18.8 percent of people with a record of 10 or more arrests.
Thousands upon thousands of crimes which, you would think, someone would be interested in stopping. Crimes which you would think are fair to bring up at a place that calls itself a Politics board. Crimes which, if I recall correctly, the vast majority of Americans oppose and which were frequently called out and condemned by one of the most successful, totally-from-scratch grassroots presidential campaigns in this country's history. You would think that with the extent of all these crimes, along with the issue's constant presence in the political realm, that this is a mainstream and fair issue to raise. Not according to Gamefaqs airheads, who would rather cover up the crimes and censor based on their own preconceived biases.
And it is a radical bias, make no mistake about it. We have documented it right here quite well in recent years. There is absolutely nothing moddable about the facts, other than some pissant GameFAQs moderator doesn't like these facts. Now, when GameFAQs mods decided to censor based on their opinions, I don't mean just that topic. And when I raise a title that provocative, I don't just mean that they defend murderers by taking these murder and rape stats down, trying to cover them up. I also mean the daily, constant stream of BS on that very same board that they either do nothing about, or actively jump in and endorse. I'm talking about open calls to lynch politicians and attack people with violent lynch mobs, crimes which are apparently acceptable discourse on the GameFAQs politics board, even though criticism of said crimes (like the post above) is not allowed. And as you can see from that link, I don't even have to think back for examples of this. They happen every single day.
Now, wally used to be the poster child of poor GameFAQs modsmanship. But even though he still makes frequent calls for violence against political opponents - and has a weird penchant for things such as child rape-robot pedophilia - he's now a former mod. I don't miss him (and really, you can't - despite making a fake account bet on the 2016 election to close down and leave the board forever, he welched on both promises and continues to be wrong about almost everything to this day).
But no, I'm afraid that the award for sucky Gamefaqs moderator now goes to Error1355, who is my prime suspect in this latest crime cover-up. I can tell you exactly what's happened here, with near absolute certainty, because I've seen this game before.
Readers may recall the moderation I received because I (again) posted accurate statistics in a topic last month. Note the time from that last warning. I have brought this little game of theirs up before, and it always plays out the same way: the warning happens, I appeal it, and then absolutely nothing happens for about a month. Suddenly, near the end of the month, a second warning pops up right before the first one clears from the account history. Every. Time.
The second warning is always timed to string along the penalties on this account. It doesn't matter if the message in question has been on the boards without any problem for 10 days or more. They will go into my active messages and pick something at random to mod me for. Since they could find absolutely nothing to censor about LGBT for this month (a favorite censorship point for them), they have instead hit upon a random post on a random subject from days ago.
It is in this way, through this timed personal targeting, that 1) the warning status continues virtually indefinitely, 2) any harmless message can be slapped with a warning, since "the last warning proves they are a repeat offender," and 3) since they know the most recent warning is a harmless message and absurd moderation, they time it so I have no appeal ability - they make sure it's timed a few days before the last appeal expires and goes off my account.
Why do I refer to the moderator in question as "they"? Because even though Error1355 is the prime suspect, the one who hates me enough to do this, and the one petty enough to stalk accounts, we really can't say for certain. This is because GameFAQs has a policy of COLLECTIVE MOD COWARDICE - rather than debate on the Politics board, as everyone else does, they remove messages they don't like and hide behind anonymity. Therefore, I have no choice but to blame them all collectively and call every mod on GameFAQs a coward.
So here goes!
Alucard188, you are a coward.
AmegaiShiryuu, you are a coward.
AssultTank, you are a coward.
billyb2004, you are a coward.
Bluffnix, you are a coward.
Caelthus, you are a coward.
Centurion, you are a coward.
Citrik, you are a coward.
Crazymaori, you are a coward.
Dark Magic, you are a coward.
Deathjester, you are a coward.
Deja Blue 03, you are a coward.
Devin Morgan, you are a coward.
Error1355, you are a double coward.
Exolamb102, you are a coward.
FridgeBeard, you are a coward.
Ghost_Turtle, you are a coward.
gmo7897, you are a coward.
Hikewne, you are a coward.
jimmyjones69, you are a coward.
jondias, you are a coward.
KookyCouture, you are a coward.
Lady_Ninane, you are a coward.
LanHikari10, you are a coward.
Life Sympathy, you are a coward.
Lord_of_BeefDip, you are a coward.
Magna Stryker, you are a coward.
MMZ, you are a coward.
ne14a6t9r, you are a coward.
Optimus Magnus, you are a coward.
Orbo99, you are a coward.
RaptorLC, you are a coward.
RySenkari, you are a coward.
SBAllen, you are probably not responsible, but I'll keep you here just to point out that your GameFAQs moderators suck and they're cowards.
ScarletSuzumiya, you are a coward.
ScarlettEve, you are a coward.
Seaman9999, you are a coward.
shmirlywhirl, you are a coward.
Shotgunnova, you are a coward.
Silent Sniper IV, you are a coward.
Silverhaze2525, you are a coward.
spartan99ruler, you are a coward.
spooky96, you are a coward.
stahlbaum, you are a coward.
TarElessar, you are a coward.
Team Rocket Elite, you are a coward.
TheFifthPerson, you are a coward.
Tom Clark, you are a coward.
Tommy873, you are a coward.
Touchdown Boy, you are a coward.
TrunksTheMighty1, you are a coward.
Tyrasibion, you are a coward.
WafflehouseJK, you are a coward.
WalkingWiki, you are a coward.
Wolfieroo, you are a coward.
yoshifan1, you are a coward.
Zanzenburger, you are a coward.
Zilong17, you are a coward.
With all that copypasting done, I would just like to point out to all you cowards that if you would actually like to be a civilized human being and try to debate me one day, instead of moderating people over (and/or eating your own) s***, you know where to find me. Because I've been here for 10 years, and I've got at least another 10 in me. I'll be here long after Error1355 becomes such a massive ball of utter idiocy that he crumples in on himself and forms a wormhole to the Stupid Dimension.
Cheerfully yours,